Redefining our Ideas about God: Crucial to Healing an LDS Faith Crisis

The Vision of Mother Julian and the Compassionate Nature of God

Mother Julian of Norwich’s vision brought a refreshing perspective to Christianity by portraying God as compassionate and nurturing rather than punitive and distant. During the 14th century, her divine revelations conveyed that God deeply cares for each individual, especially in their moments of struggle and important choices. This understanding was significant in an era often marked by fear and uncertainty.

God’s Presence in Human Experience

Mother Julian’s vision suggests that God’s loving presence is woven into every part of the human experience, rather than being separate from it. Her writings offer a sense of comfort and closeness, helping people understand that God is always near. This contrasts with the stern image of God as a distant judge and instead provides a divine caregiver who embraces humanity with limitless understanding and compassion.

Endless Compassion and Understanding

Despite life’s complexities and our personal flaws, Mother Julian’s view of God emphasizes endless compassion. Her revelations remind us that God’s nature is less about fear and condemnation and more about guiding people kindly and encouraging them to grow. This gentle approach inspires individuals to see themselves through a lens of love and patience.

Trusting in Cosmic Love

Mother Julian’s theology invites people to develop a trusting relationship with God, rooted in nurturing support and cosmic love. By offering reassurance in the face of hardship, she inspires individuals to embrace faith that encourages spiritual growth and recognizes that every soul deserves kind guidance. Her writings continue to inspire us to look beyond fear and condemnation and find strength in love and divine care.

Self-Discovery and the Personal Journey of Faith

Self-discovery and personal faith are closely connected processes that help shape our spiritual identity. As we navigate life’s complexities and consider questions about purpose and meaning, we seek to understand both the divine and our place within a larger spiritual context. This journey is often prompted by the challenges and transitions we face daily, driving us to reflect on our beliefs and values.

Unique Journeys and Transformation

Each person’s spiritual journey is unique, marked by moments of doubt, insight, and transformation. No two paths are alike, and the experiences that shape our beliefs can vary widely. Sometimes, we have to dig beneath layers of tradition and doctrine to find a core understanding that resonates with our deepest convictions. This search often leads to periods of change and growth that bring clarity and deeper self-awareness.

Building a Personal Relationship with the Sacred

Through this exploration, we develop a personalized relationship with the sacred that influences our values, guides our actions, and provides comfort in times of uncertainty. This relationship is not something static but is continuously refined by new insights and experiences. Building this connection requires introspection and openness, allowing us to cultivate a form of faith that feels uniquely genuine.

Weaving a Tapestry of Experiences

The journey of faith is like a tapestry woven from our experiences and reflections. Each thread tells a story of how we struggled, grew, and gained new understanding. This tapestry reveals how our personal journey connects with something greater, helping us realize that the divine is not distant but as near as our own heartbeat. Understanding this brings peace and fulfillment, offering a strong foundation that grounds us in moments of doubt.

Atonement Theology and the Image of God

This topic often leads us to confront the traditional idea of a wrathful God who demands appeasement, trapping us in a faith based on fear. This perspective can hold our spiritual journey captive, discouraging growth and curiosity. The notion of a punitive deity fosters a narrative that focuses more on punishment than on transformation.

Exploring Punitive vs. Nurturing Narratives

Through reflection, we’ve considered how a punitive portrayal of God creates a narrative of atonement that’s harsh and discouraging, fostering fear instead of love and discovery. This mindset emphasizes chastisement, making spiritual exploration feel like a burden rather than a journey of growth. However, when we view God through the lens of unconditional love, atonement becomes an invitation to transformation, not punishment.

The Perspective of Unconditional Love

Together with Nathan, we’ve explored how seeing God as unconditionally loving shifts the idea of atonement from a demand to a loving gesture that encourages change and self-betterment. In this view, divine love invites us to transform our lives in meaningful ways. Rather than living in fear of punishment, we’re motivated by the compassion and encouragement that divine love provides.

Drawing Inspiration from Contemporary Thinkers

We draw inspiration from modern thinkers like Richard Rohr and Fiona Givens, whose insightful writings help us see a more benevolent and nurturing relationship with the divine. They encourage us to shift our thinking toward a compassionate God who seeks to guide us rather than condemn us.

Moving Toward Radical Love

Reimagining atonement in this light can profoundly change our spiritual consciousness and lead us toward a deeper and more liberating relationship with a loving God. Join us as we explore these complex but vital themes, seeking to move beyond fear-based faith and instead cultivate a spiritual life rooted in the light of radical, divine love.

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A Story of Humanity, Reconciliation, and Growing Spiritual Empowerment

Don’t you love a real story? When a person is willing to be vulnerable and tell a deeply moving story, often one of struggle, it moves us as humans. I am grateful for my friend Dan who was willing to visit with me on the podcast and tell his story–which in one way or another is all of our stories.

The Transformational Journey of Dan Wotherspoon: From Rebellion to Mission Life and Beyond

Dan Wotherspoon’s journey is one shaped by significant challenges, from youthful rebellion and personal turmoil to a life filled with purpose and spiritual understanding. His early years presented many internal struggles as he grappled with the more difficult aspects of life, creating a crucible that shaped his resilient spirit.

Commitment and Discovery

Driven by a deep inner conviction, Dan decided to embark on a missionary journey. During this time, he uncovered profound truths about love and human connection, lessons that would influence his future mentoring and community work. He developed a more comprehensive understanding of divine love and its impact on personal relationships.

Growth and Support

Throughout his journey, Dan’s commitment to personal growth, alongside the unwavering support of family and community, helped him transform his challenges into opportunities. His story is a testament to the power of transformation, transcending traditional spirituality and reaching into the realms of individual faith development.

Love and Connection: The Most Real Things in the Universe


The idea that love and connection are the most fundamental aspects of the universe suggests that they transcend the physical world, forming the very essence of our existence. They underpin human experience, shaping our relationships and interactions.

The Transformative Nature of Love

Love, a universal and profound emotion, fosters deep bonds that significantly impact our lives. It’s more than just an emotion; it’s a powerful force that unites individuals, promoting unity, empathy, and understanding.

Connection and Community

Similarly, connection acts as a thread weaving individuals into the fabric of community and society. Together, love and connection are the core of the human spirit, grounding us and providing meaning that material possessions and achievements cannot offer.

Prioritizing Relationships

This concept encourages prioritizing relationships and recognizing the intrinsic value of building meaningful bonds with others, ultimately leading to richer, more fulfilling lives.

Constructing an Authentic Spiritual Narrative: The Balance Between Institutional Religions and Personal Belief Systems

Balancing Institutional Religions and Personal Beliefs

The Role of Institutional Religions

Institutional religions offer a shared community, structured practices, and a unified set of beliefs. They provide guidance and a sense of belonging to their followers.

The Nature of Personal Belief Systems

Personal belief systems, on the other hand, are uniquely individual, shaped by one’s experiences, insights, and spiritual encounters.

Finding the Balance

Balancing these two worlds involves blending the communal and traditional aspects of institutional religion with the deeply personal search for truth. This harmony lets individuals draw from collective wisdom while honoring their personal spiritual journeys.

Creating a Resonant Faith

In this balance, individuals can build a faith that resonates with their convictions by integrating the traditional framework with the eclectic understanding that emerges through life’s journey.

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Embracing the Sacred in the Profane, Social Justice Advocacy, & Shadow Healing

Exploring Christianity, Social Justice, and Politics

Unpacking the Relationship

In this discussion, we will explore the intricate relationship between Christianity, social justice, and politics. Our aim is to provide thought-provoking insights into how one’s spiritual journey can intersect with a call to social action.

Jana’s Personal Journey

Jana will share how her exposure to different perspectives, including teachings from the Living School and historical church influences, will reshape her understanding of faith within these contexts. She will describe a transformative realization about Jesus’ ministry, emphasizing His focus on social justice and connection with marginalized communities. This challenges the Western Christian view of Jesus as solely a moral enforcer.

Redefining Beliefs and Political Engagement

Jana’s insights will highlight how religious beliefs can transcend political divisions and actively shape them. She will encourage Latter-day Saints to:

  • Engage with Social Advocacy: Recognize the potential to influence societal change through compassionate action.
  • Deconstruct Political Biases: Reflect on inherited beliefs and open up to broader perspectives.
  • Embrace Universal Love and Compassion: Focus on the core Christian principles that advocate love and compassion for all.

By unpacking these themes, we aim to inspire a new understanding of faith that not only guides personal growth but also fosters meaningful social change.

Embracing the Paradox: How Non-Dual Thinking in the LDS Community Can Transform Spiritual Experience

The Concept of Non-Dual Thinking

We will delve into the power of non-dual thinking within the Latter-day Saints community. Highlighted in the Living School curriculum, non-dual thinking challenges the dualistic mindset that often characterizes early spiritual development. This approach encourages embracing paradox and understanding the ineffable nature of spiritual experiences.

Jana’s Perspective on Embracing Paradox

Jana will emphasize the necessity of understanding both extremes to fully appreciate the beauty found in paradox. She will explain that the human mind struggles to comprehend these opposites simultaneously, requiring a shift from an “either/or” mindset to a “both/and” way of thinking for profound spiritual transformation.

Shifting to a Transformational Spirituality

By accepting and integrating both extremes, individuals will transcend a transactional approach to spirituality and move toward a more transformative religious experience. This shift isn’t about abandoning one’s faith but expanding it to allow for:

  • Personal Growth: Embrace new interpretations and perspectives that foster maturity.
  • Broader Understanding: Explore diverse viewpoints that enrich one’s relationship with faith.
  • Deeper Connection with the Divine: Build a stronger spiritual bond by appreciating the complexity and paradox of spiritual truths.

This journey will empower individuals to reshape their spirituality into something richer and more fulfilling, ultimately fostering a deeper connection with the divine and a more expansive religious life.

From Purity to Profanity and Beyond: Recontextualizing the Sacred in Modern Mormonism

Shifting Boundaries in Spirituality

In the evolving landscape of modern Mormonism, discussions about what is considered sacred will continue to change. Previously, clear lines were drawn between purity and profanity. However, an increasing number of Latter-day Saints artists and thinkers are broadening these definitions to create a more inclusive and complex spirituality.

Recontextualizing the Sacred

This shift calls for recontextualizing what is sacred, recognizing holiness in areas of life once deemed profane. The change encourages a willingness to embrace the entire human experience as a pathway to divine insight.

Embracing New Perspectives

This new outlook will challenge long-held beliefs and traditions, creating space for a form of sacredness that is:

  • Resilient: Capable of withstanding diverse perspectives and cultural changes.
  • Empathetic: Rooted in understanding the struggles and triumphs of others.
  • Inclusive: Solidarity with humanity’s diverse voices ensures all experiences can lead to divine connection.

This transformation will help Latter-day Saints build a spirituality that is more deeply rooted in empathy, understanding, and inclusivity, allowing for a broader, more resilient sense of the sacred.

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Transformational Spirituality at Richard Rohr’s Living School

In this blog, based on the podcast, I want to talk about one of my favorite humans–Richard Rohr. First, a little about him:

Richard Rohr is a Franciscan friar, author, and speaker known for his work on spirituality. Born in 1943 in Kansas, he joined the Franciscans in the early 1960s and was ordained to the priesthood in 1970. Rohr is the founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he advocates for a balance between contemplative practice and social activism. His teachings focus on themes like the divine nature within every individual, spiritual growth, and “second-half-of-life” spirituality. Some of his notable books include ‘The Universal Christ,’ ‘Falling Upward,’ and ‘Breathing Under Water.’ He remains influential for his inclusive approach to faith and his challenge to traditional Christian frameworks.

Mysticism Beyond Boundaries

Richard Rohr is known in the mysticism world for his ability to reach people of various spiritual backgrounds. A Franciscan friar and respected author, he takes a distinctive approach to spirituality by focusing on the divine nature within each person and the transformative journey of the soul. In books like ‘The Universal Christ’ and ‘Falling Upward,’ Rohr encourages readers to deepen their understanding of faith and the divine. He emphasizes the importance of second-half-of-life spirituality, where embracing uncertainties and life’s paradoxes leads to growth. By promoting personal discovery and blending action with contemplation, Rohr breaks down religious divisions and encourages a shared journey that connects people to the sacred reality around them.

The Transformative Power of Contemplative Practice

Insights from the Living School

The Living School, founded by Richard Rohr, brings together prominent spiritual teachers like Rohr, Cynthia Bourgeault, and James Finley. Their collective knowledge guides students through various practices that deepen spiritual awareness. From centering prayer and silent meditation to exploring sacred texts, their teachings provide different pathways for spiritual seekers, allowing each individual to find a practice that resonates with them.

Practices to Deepen Stillness and Awareness

  • Centering Prayer: A form of silent meditation where students are encouraged to gently focus their minds on the divine, helping them find inner stillness.
  • Silent Meditation: In guided sessions, students sit in silence to quiet the mind, encouraging greater self-awareness and clarity.
  • Studying Spiritual Texts: By delving into key spiritual writings, students reflect on timeless truths and apply them to their daily lives.

Cultivating Purpose and Connection

These practices create a calm space where people can step back from daily distractions and focus inward. This stillness often leads to greater self-awareness and compassion, helping individuals understand themselves and the world more deeply. Insights from these practices offer a renewed sense of purpose and connection that fosters empathy and nurtures a shared human experience.

Diverse Teachings for Personal Growth

The Living School provides a range of teachings to suit different spiritual seekers. Whether someone is looking for contemplative exercises, theological exploration, or ways to blend action with contemplation, the school’s inclusive approach allows individuals to find a practice that best supports their growth. Students are empowered to embrace practices that resonate with their unique spiritual journeys, promoting personal transformation and interconnectedness with others.

Embracing Diversity in Faith

Recognizing Spiritual Wealth

Embracing diversity in faith means recognizing the spiritual richness that exists across different beliefs, practices, and religious expressions. Each tradition offers unique insights into the divine and the human journey, providing valuable perspectives that can enhance our understanding of spirituality.

Challenging Us to Appreciate Differences

By welcoming diverse religious perspectives, we challenge ourselves and our communities to respect and value the wide range of spiritual experiences that shape human understanding of the divine. This approach fosters an inclusive environment where open dialogue and mutual learning can flourish.

Creating Space for Dialogue and Growth

When people feel safe to share and learn from different spiritual traditions, we collectively grow, deepening our respect for each other’s beliefs. This exchange creates space for personal transformation and builds empathy, helping us to see the common threads that connect us all.

Broadening Horizons and Promoting Unity

Embracing religious diversity broadens our spiritual horizons, opening us up to new ways of thinking. It nurtures unity and empathy in a world often divided by different convictions, helping us find common ground despite our differences.

Building a Compassionate Global Community

By honoring the unique contributions of various faiths, we pave the way for a more interconnected and compassionate global community. Embracing diversity fosters understanding and encourages us to celebrate the rich mosaic of spiritual traditions that enrich our world.

How do you feel about this sense of spirituality and community? Would you like to see it in other religious spaces? How could members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints bring in and experience more of this?

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From Struggle to Strength: Overcoming Psychological Strains in LDS Faith Crisis

The Journey Through LDS Faith Crisis and Fractured Ego Structures

Going through a faith crisis within the LDS community often entails profound personal transformations as individual beliefs begin to evolve. For many, their identity is intricately linked with their faith. Thus, when doubts and questions emerge, it not only challenges their religious views but also prompts a deep introspection about who they are outside of their religion.

This internal conflict can be disorienting as people find themselves navigating between their longstanding beliefs and the unsettling yet liberating realm of new perspectives. The familiar comfort of past certainties fades, making room for a journey of self-discovery. This journey can feel like being adrift in uncharted waters, where every question leads to more uncertainty about one’s place in the world.

Opportunities for Growth

However, this period of questioning also presents a unique opportunity for growth. It allows individuals to forge a more robust identity that incorporates diverse experiences and broader understandings. This expanded sense of self can lead to greater resilience and adaptability, fostering a deeper connection with oneself. As people rebuild their self-concept, they often find that they engage with the world around them in more meaningful and nuanced ways.

Ultimately, navigating a faith crisis can transform a disorienting experience into a revitalizing journey. By embracing the complexity of their experiences and the breadth of their new insights, individuals can emerge with a renewed sense of purpose and a more profound connection to their inner selves and the larger world.

From Single Pillar to Multiple Pillars

In this discussion, we take an enlightening approach to spirituality for those undergoing a faith crisis within the LDS community, emphasizing the transition from relying solely on LDS teachings to incorporating a more inclusive, varied spiritual framework. This method shifts from what is described as a ‘single pillar’ approach—where LDS principles stand as the lone support for one’s spiritual life—to a ‘multiple pillars’ approach that embraces a wider array of spiritual and intellectual resources.

The ‘single pillar’ approach, while providing a clear and focused foundation, can be limiting when individuals start to question or diverge from established teachings. As doubts arise, relying solely on one source for spiritual support can make the journey through a faith crisis particularly tumultuous. In response, Valerie advocates for the development of ‘complex thinking skills’ that enable individuals to seek and integrate diverse sources of knowledge and belief into their spiritual lives.

This broader approach includes drawing from various disciplines such as philosophy, to provide a deeper understanding of life’s big questions; science, to complement spiritual insights with empirical knowledge; other faith traditions, to introduce alternative spiritual perspectives and practices; and personal morality, to ensure that one’s spiritual journey aligns with their ethical convictions.

By integrating these multiple pillars into their spiritual framework, individuals can construct a more robust and resilient foundation. This diversified foundation not only supports them through the immediate challenges of a faith crisis but also enriches their overall spiritual experience. It allows them to hold and reconcile multiple viewpoints, helping them to manage the nuances and contradictions that often accompany spiritual growth and self-discovery.

Valerie often emphasizes that this enriched approach can shield individuals from the psychological strains associated with questioning deeply held beliefs. It prepares them to face a range of emotional responses and fosters a sense of stability and continuity in their spiritual journey, making the process of exploring new beliefs less daunting and more fulfilling. Through this transition to a ‘multiple pillars’ approach, individuals can find a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper connection to the broader human experience, cultivating a spirituality that is as diverse and dynamic as life itself.

Embracing Growth and Discomfort

Embracing growth and discomfort in the Latter-Day Faith Crisis involves a profound journey of self-discovery and the reevaluation of personal beliefs. Individuals experiencing such a crisis may grapple with a shattered self-identity, primarily if that identity was heavily intertwined with their religious faith. As these individuals encounter this discomfort, they are presented with an opportunity for significant personal development. It requires the reconstruction of a more resilient ego structure, refining complex thinking skills, and developing the courage to confront and transform less effective coping strategies. This growth demands embracing paradox and uncertainty, as well as fostering a deeper, more meaningful connection with one’s true self. It’s a path toward autonomy and the empowerment to make choices that align with one’s evolving values and beliefs, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life, whether within or outside of their previous faith framework.

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